Cloud Foundry Component Metrics

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This topic lists and describes the metrics available for Cloud Foundry system components. These metrics are streamed from the Loggregator Firehose. For more information about the Firehose, see Loggregator architecture.

The Cloud Foundry component metric names and descriptions listed in this topic may be out of date because Cloud Foundry component metrics change often. If you have questions about Cloud Foundry component metrics, consider contacting the component teams directly on their respective channels in the Cloud Foundry Slack organization. For example, you can contact the Diego team at #diego.

Cloud Controller

Cloud Controller metrics have the following origin names:

Default Origin Name: cc

Statsd/Prometheus metrics for Cloud Controller API Server

Statsd Metric Name Prometheus Metric Name Description
NA cc_puma_worker_count Worker count
Puma-Only Metric
NA cc_puma_worker_started_at Worker, started_at
Puma-Only Metric
NA cc_puma_worker_thread_count Worker thread count
Puma-Only Metric
NA cc_puma_worker_backlog Worker backlog
Puma-Only Metric
deployments.deploying cc_deployments_in_progress_total Number of deployments in the DEPLOYING state. Emitted every 30 seconds.
NA cc_acquired_db_connections_total Number of acquired DB connections (blocked by threads).
NA cc_open_db_connections_total Number of open DB connections (acquired + available).
NA cc_db_connection_hold_duration_seconds Durations of connections held by threads.
NA cc_db_connection_wait_duration_seconds Durations of threads which waited for an available DB connection.
NA cc_db_connection_pool_timeouts_total Number of threads which failed to acquire a free DB connection from the pool within the timeout.
deployments.update.duration NA Time in milliseconds that it took to complete an update of app deployments. Emitted every 5 seconds.
diego_sync.invalid_desired_lrps NA Number of invalid DesiredLRPs found during Cloud Foundry apps and Diego DesiredLRPs periodic synchronization. Emitted every 30 seconds.
diego_sync.duration NA Time in milliseconds that it took to synchronize Cloud Foundry apps and Diego DesiredLRPs. Emitted every 30 seconds. cc_failed_job_count_total Number of failed jobs in all queues. By default, Cloud Controller deletes failed jobs after 31 days. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
http_status.1XX NA Number of HTTP response status codes of type 1xx (informational). This resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted and is incremented at the end of each request cycle.
http_status.2XX NA Number of HTTP response status codes of type 2xx (success). This resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted and is incremented at the end of each request cycle. Emitted for each Cloud Controller request.
http_status.3XX NA Number of HTTP response status codes of type 3xx (redirection). This resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted and is incremented at the end of each request cycle. Emitted for each Cloud Controller request.
http_status.4XX NA Number of HTTP response status codes of type 4xx (client error). This resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted and is incremented at the end of each request cycle. Emitted for each Cloud Controller request.
http_status.5XX NA Number of HTTP response status codes of type 5xx (server error). This resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted and is incremented at the end of each request cycle. cc_job_queues_length_total Total number of background jobs in the queues that have yet to run for the first time. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. cc_job_queues_load_total Total number of background jobs in the queues that are ready to run now. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.all NA Total number of log messages, sum of messages of all severity levels. The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.debug NA Number of log messages of severity “debug.” The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.debug1 NA Not used.
log_count.debug2 NA Number of log messages of severity “debug2.” The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.error NA Number of log messages of severity “error.” Error is the most severe level. It is used for failures and during error handling. Most errors can be found under this log level, eg. failed unbinding a service, failed to cancel a task, Diego app crashed error, staging completion errors, staging errors, and resource not found. The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.fatal NA Number of log messages of severity “fatal.” The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. NA Number of log messages of severity “info.” Examples of info messages are droplet created, copying package, uploading package, access denied due to insufficient scope, job logging, blobstore actions, staging requests, and app running requests. The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. NA Number of log messages of severity “off.” The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
log_count.warn NA Number of log messages of severity “warn.” Warn is also used for failures and during error handling, eg. diagnostics written to file, failed to capture diagnostics, app rollback failed, service broker already deleted, and UAA token problems. The count resets when the Cloud Controller process is restarted. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
requests.completed cc_requests_completed_total Number of requests that have been processed. Emitted for each Cloud Controller request.
requests.outstanding cc_requests_outstanding_total DEPRECATED in favor of requests.outstanding.gauge
requests.outstanding.gauge NA Number of requests that are currently being processed. Emitted for each Cloud Controller request.
staging.requested cc_staging_requests_total Cumulative number of requests to start a staging task handled by each Cloud Controller.
staging.succeeded NA Cumulative number of successful staging tasks handled by each Cloud Controller. Emitted every time a staging task completes successfully.
staging.succeeded_duration NA Time in milliseconds that the successful staging task took to run. Emitted each time a staging task completes successfully.
NA cc_staging_succeeded_duration_seconds Histogram - Time in seconds that the successful staging task took to run. Puma-Only Metric
staging.failed NA Cumulative number of failed staging tasks handled by each Cloud Controller. Emitted every time a staging task fails.
staging.failed_duration NA Time in milliseconds that the failed staging task took to run. Emitted each time a staging task fails.
NA cc_staging_failed_duration_seconds Histogram - Time in seconds that the failed staging task took to run. Puma-Only Metric
tasks_running.count cc_running_tasks_total Number of currently running tasks. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. This metric is only seen in version 3 of the Cloud Foundry API.
tasks_running.memory_in_mb cc_running_tasks_memory_bytes Memory being consumed by all currently running tasks. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. This metric is only seen in version 3 of the Cloud Foundry API
thread_info.event_machine.connection_count cc_thread_info_event_machine_connection_count Number of open connections to event machine. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
Thin Only, Not available in Puma
thread_info.event_machine.resultqueue.num_waiting cc_thread_info_event_machine_resultqueue_num_waiting Number of scheduled tasks in the result. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM. Thin Only, Not available in Puma
thread_info.event_machine.resultqueue.size cc_thread_info_event_machine_resultqueue_size Number of unscheduled tasks in the result. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
Thin Only, Not available in Puma
thread_info.event_machine.threadqueue.num_waiting cc_thread_info_event_machine_threadqueue_num_waiting Number of scheduled tasks in the threadqueue. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM
. Thin Only, Not available in Puma
thread_info.event_machine.threadqueue.size cc_thread_info_event_machine_threadqueue_size Number of unscheduled tasks in the threadqueue. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
Thin Only, Not available in Puma
thread_info.thread_count cc_thread_info_thread_count Total number of threads that are either runnable or stopped. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
Thin Only, Not available in Puma
total_users cc_users_total Total number of users ever created, including inactive users. Emitted every 10 minutes per VM.
Thin Only, Not available in Puma
vcap_sinatra.recent_errors NA 50 most recent errors. DEPRECATED
NA cc_vitals_started_at CloudController Vitals: started_at
vitals.cpu NA Average lifetime CPU% utilization of the Cloud Controller process according to ps. Usually misleading, prefer vitals.cpu_load_average. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.cpu_load_avg cc_vitals_cpu_load_avg System CPU load averaged over the last 1 minute according to the OS’s vmstat metrics. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.mem_bytes cc_vitals_mem_bytes The RSS bytes (resident set size) or real memory of the Cloud Controller process. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.mem_free_bytes cc_vitals_mem_free_bytes Total memory available according to the OS. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.mem_used_bytes cc_vitals_mem_used_bytes Total memory used (active + wired) according to the OS. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.num_cores cc_vitals_num_cores The number of CPUs of a host machine. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.
vitals.uptime NA The uptime of the Cloud Controller process in seconds. Emitted every 30 seconds per VM.

Default Origin Name: cc_worker

Statsd/Prometheus metrics for Cloud Controller Workers

Prometheus Metric Name Description
cc_acquired_db_connections_total Number of acquired DB connections (blocked by threads).
cc_open_db_connections_total Number of open DB connections (acquired + available).
cc_db_connection_hold_duration_seconds Durations of connections held by threads.
cc_db_connection_wait_duration_seconds Durations of threads which waited for an available DB connection.
cc_db_connection_pool_timeouts_total Number of threads which failed to acquire a free DB connection from the pool within the timeout.



Diego metrics have the following origin names:

Default Origin Name: auctioneer

Metric Name Description
AuctioneerFailedCellStateRequests Cumulative number of cells the auctioneer failed to query for state. Emitted during each auction.
AuctioneerFetchStatesDuration Time in nanoseconds that the auctioneer took to fetch state from all the cells when running its auction. Emitted every 30 seconds during each auction.
AuctioneerLRPAuctionsFailed Cumulative number of LRP instances that the auctioneer failed to place on Diego Cells. Emitted every 30 seconds during each auction.
AuctioneerLRPAuctionsStarted Cumulative number of LRP instances that the auctioneer successfully placed on Diego Cells. Emitted every 30 seconds during each auction.
AuctioneerTaskAuctionsFailed Cumulative number of Tasks that the auctioneer failed to place on Diego Cells. Emitted every 30 seconds during each auction.
AuctioneerTaskAuctionsStarted Cumulative number of Tasks that the auctioneer successfully placed on Diego Cells. Emitted every 30 seconds during each auction.
LockHeld Whether an auctioneer holds the auctioneer lock (in locket): 1 means the lock is held, and 0 means the lock was lost. Emitted periodically by the active auctioneer.
LockHeld.v1-locks-auctioneer_lock Whether an auctioneer holds the auctioneer lock: 1 means the lock is held, and 0 means the lock was lost. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active auctioneer.
LockHeldDuration.v1-locks-auctioneer_lock Time in nanoseconds that the active auctioneer has held the auctioneer lock. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active auctioneer.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.
RequestCount Cumulative number of requests the auctioneer has handled through its API. Emitted periodically.
RequestLatency Time the auctioneer took to handle requests to its API endpoints. Emitted when the auctioneer handles requests.

Default Origin Name: bbs

Metric Name Description
BBSMasterElected Emitted once when the BBS is elected as master.
ConvergenceLRPDuration Time in nanoseconds that the BBS took to run its LRP convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds when LRP convergence runs.
ConvergenceLRPRuns Cumulative number of times BBS has run its LRP convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds.
ConvergenceTaskDuration Time in nanoseconds that the BBS took to run its Task convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds when Task convergence runs.
ConvergenceTaskRuns Cumulative number of times the BBS has run its Task convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds.
ConvergenceTasksKicked Cumulative number of times the BBS has updated a Task during its Task convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds.
ConvergenceTasksPruned Cumulative number of times the BBS has deleted a malformed Task during its Task convergence pass. Emitted every 30 seconds.
CrashedActualLRPs Total number of LRP instances that have crashed. Emitted every 30 seconds.
CrashingDesiredLRPs Total number of DesiredLRPs that have at least one crashed instance. Emitted every 30 seconds.
DBOpenConnections Number of open connections to the SQL database. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesFailed Cumulative number of SQL queries that failed. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesInFlight Maximum number of concurrent in flight queries in the last 60 seconds. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesTotal Cumulative number of SQL queries executed, including BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK statements. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesSucceeded Cumulative number of SQL queries that finished successfully. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueryDurationMax Maximum duration of all queries that have run in the last 60 seconds. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBWaitDuration The total time blocked waiting for a new connection. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBWaitCount The total number of connections waited for. Emitted every 60 seconds.
Domain. Whether the <domain-name> domain is up-to-date, so that instances from that domain have been synchronized with DesiredLRPs for Diego to run. 1 means the domain is up-to-date, no data means it is not. Emitted periodically.
EncryptionDuration Time the BBS took to ensure all BBS records are encrypted with the current active encryption key. Emitted each time a BBS becomes the active master.
LockHeld Whether a BBS holds the BBS lock (in locket): 1 means the lock is held, and 0 means the lock was lost. Emitted periodically by the active BBS server.
LockHeld.v1-locks-bbs_lock Whether a BBS holds the BBS lock: 1 means the lock is held, and 0 means the lock was lost. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active BBS server.
LockHeldDuration.v1-locks-bbs_lock Time in nanoseconds that the active BBS has held the BBS lock. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active BBS server.
LRPsClaimed Total number of LRP instances that have been claimed by some cell. Emitted every 30 seconds.
LRPsDesired Total number of LRP instances desired across all LRPs. Emitted periodically.
LRPsExtra Total number of LRP instances that are no longer desired but still have a BBS record. Emitted every 30 seconds.
LRPsMissing Total number of LRP instances that are desired but have no record in the BBS. Emitted every 30 seconds.
LRPsRunning Total number of LRP instances that are running on cells. Emitted every 30 seconds.
LRPsUnclaimed Total number of LRP instances that have not yet been claimed by a cell. Emitted every 30 seconds.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
MigrationDuration Time in nanoseconds that the BBS took to run migrations against its persistence store. Emitted each time a BBS becomes the active master.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.
OpenFileDescriptors Current (non-cumulative) number of open file descriptors held by the BBS. Emitted periodically.
PresentCells Total number of Diego Cells that are maintaining presence with Locket. Emitted periodically.
RequestCount Cumulative number of requests the BBS has handled through its API. Emitted for each BBS request.
RequestLatency Time in nanoseconds that the BBS took to handle requests to its API endpoints. Emitted when the BBS API handles requests.
SuspectCells Total number of cells that are not maintaining their presences with Locket but for which the BBS has a record of at least one ActualLRP. Emitted periodically.
SuspectClaimedActualLRPs Total number of Suspect LRP instances that have been claimed by some Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
SuspectRunningActualLRPs Total number of Suspect LRP instances that are running on Diego Cells. Emitted periodically.
TasksCompleted Total number of Tasks that have completed. Emitted every 30 seconds.
TasksPending Total number of Tasks that have not yet been placed on a Diego Cell. Emitted every 30 seconds.
TasksResolving Total number of Tasks locked for deletion. Emitted every 30 seconds.
TasksRunning Total number of Tasks running on Diego Cells. Emitted every 30 seconds.
TasksSucceeded Cumulative number of tasks completed successfully. This metric has a cell-id tag that can be used to get the per Cell metric.
TasksFailed Cumulative number of tasks that failed. This metric has a cell-id tag that can be used to get the per Cell metric.
TasksStarted Cumulative number of tasks that has started so far. This metric has a cell-id tag that can be used to get the per Cell metric.

Default Origin Name: file_server

Metric Name Description
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.

Default Origin Name: locket

Metric Name Description
ActiveLocks Total number of active locks. Emitted periodically.
ActivePresences Total number of active presences. Emitted periodically.
DBOpenConnections Number of open connections to the SQL database. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesFailed Cumulative number of SQL queries that failed. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesInFlight Maximum number of concurrent in flight queries in the last 60 seconds. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesTotal Cumulative number of SQL queries executed, including BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK statements. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueriesSucceeded Cumulative number of SQL queries that finished successfully. Emitted every 60 seconds.
DBQueryDurationMax Maximum duration of all queries that have run in the last 60 seconds. Emitted every 60 seconds.
LocksExpired Cumulative number of locks that have expired. Emitted every 60 seconds.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.
PresenceExpired Cumulative number of presences that have expired. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsCancelled Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have been cancelled by the client. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsStarted Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have been made. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsSucceeded Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have completed successfully. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsFailed Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have failed for any reason. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsInFlight Number of requests of a particular type currently being handled by locket. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestLatencyMax Maximum request latency emitted by a request of a particular type in the last 60 seconds. Currently tracking Lock, Release, Fetch, and FetchAll requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.

Default Origin Name: rep (applies to rep and rep_windows jobs)

Metric Name Description
AppInstanceExceededLogRateLimitCount Number of application instances that have exceeded the app log rate limit. Emitted once for each application instance that exceeds the log rate limit within the last 5 minute interval. This metric is only emitted if an operator has configured an app log rate limit and an app instance has exceeded that limit.
CapacityAllocatedDisk Amount of disk allocated to containers on this Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
CapacityAllocatedMemory Amount of memory allocated to containers on this Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
CapacityRemainingContainers Remaining number of containers this Diego Cell can host. Emitted periodically.
CapacityRemainingDisk Remaining amount of disk available for this Diego Cell to allocate to containers. Emitted periodically.
CapacityRemainingMemory Remaining amount of memory available for this Diego Cell to allocate to containers. Emitted periodically.
CapacityTotalContainers Total number of containers this Diego Cell can host. Emitted periodically.
CapacityTotalDisk Total amount of disk available for this Diego Cell to allocate to containers. Emitted periodically.
CapacityTotalMemory Total amount of memory available for this Diego Cell to allocate to containers. Emitted periodically.
ContainerCompletedCount Number of containers exited on this Diego Cell. Emitted after container exits.
ContainerCount Number of containers hosted on the Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
ContainerExitedOnTimeoutCount Number of containers on this Diego Cell exited after graceful shutdown interval. Emitted after container exits.
ContainerUsageDisk Amount of disk used by containers on this Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
ContainerUsageMemory Amount of memory used by containers on this Diego Cell. Emitted periodically.
CredCreationFailedCount Count of failed instance identity credential creations. Emitted after every failed credential creation.
CredCreationSucceededCount Count of successful instance identity credential creations. Emitted after every successful credential creation.
CredCreationSucceededDuration Time the rep took to create instance identity credentials. Emitted after every successful credential creation.
ContainerSetupSucceededDuration Time the rep took to setup a container with the Garden back end. Emitted after every successful container setup.
ContainerSetupFailedDuration Time the rep took to setup a container with the Garden back end. Emitted after every failed container setup.
GardenContainerCreationFailedDuration Time the rep’s Garden back end took to create a container. Emitted after every failed container creation.
GardenContainerCreationSucceededDuration Time the rep’s Garden back end took to create a container. Emitted after every successful container creation.
GardenContainerDestructionFailedDuration Time the rep’s Garden back end took to destroy a container. Emitted after every failed container destruction.
GardenContainerDestructionSucceededDuration Time the rep’s Garden back end took to destroy a container. Emitted after every successful container destruction.
GardenHealthCheckFailed Whether the cell has failed to pass its healthcheck against the garden back end. 0 signifies healthy, and 1 signifies unhealthy. Emitted periodically.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.
RepBulkSyncDuration Time the Diego Cell rep took to synchronize the ActualLRPs it has claimed with its actual Garden containers. Emitted periodically by each rep.
RequestsStarted Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have been made. Currently tracking CancelTask, ContainerMetrics, Perform, Reset, State, and StopLRPInstance requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsSucceeded Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have completed successfully. Currently tracking CancelTask, ContainerMetrics, Perform, Reset, State, and StopLRPInstance requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsFailed Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that have failed for any reason. Currently tracking CancelTask, ContainerMetrics, Perform, Reset, State, and StopLRPInstance requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestsInFlight Cumulative number of requests of a particular type that are in-flight by rep. Currently tracking CancelTask, ContainerMetrics, Perform, Reset, State, and StopLRPInstance requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RequestLatencyMax Maximum request latency emitted by a request of a particular type in the last 60 seconds. Currently tracking CancelTask, ContainerMetrics, Perform, Reset, State, and StopLRPInstance requests. Emitted every 60 seconds.
StalledGardenDuration Time the rep is waiting on its Garden back end to become healthy during startup. Emitted only if garden not responsive when the rep starts up.
StartingContainerCount Number of containers currently in a Reserved, Initializing, or Created state. Emitted periodically.
StrandedEvacuatingActualLRPs Evacuating ActualLPRs that timed out during the evacuation process. Emitted when evacuation does not complete successfully.
VolmanMountDuration Time volman took to mount a volume. Emitted by each rep when volumes are mounted.
VolmanMountDurationFor Time volman took to mount a volume with a specific volume driver. Emitted by each rep when volumes are mounted.
VolmanMountErrors Count of failed volume mounts. Emitted periodically by each rep.
VolmanUnmountDuration Time volman took to unmount a volume. Emitted by each rep when volumes are mounted.
VolmanUnmountDurationFor Time volman took to unmount a volume with a specific volume driver. Emitted by each rep when volumes are mounted.
VolmanUnmountErrors Count of failed volume unmounts. Emitted periodically by each rep.

Default Origin Name: route_emitter (applies to route_emitter and route_emitter_windows jobs)

Metric Name Description
AddressCollisions Number of detected conflicting routes. A conflicting route is a set of two distinct instances with the same IP address on the routing table.
HTTPRouteCount Number of HTTP route associations (route-endpoint pairs) in the route-emitter’s routing table. Emitted periodically when emitter is in local mode.
HTTPRouteNATSMessagesEmitted Cumulative number of HTTP routing messages the route-emitter sends over NATS to the gorouter.
InternalRouteNATSMessagesEmitted Cumulative number of internal routing messages the route-emitter sends over NATS to the service discovery controller.
LockHeld.v1-locks-route_emitter_lock Whether a route-emitter holds the route-emitter lock: 1 means the lock is held, and 0 means the lock was lost. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active route-emitter.
LockHeldDuration.v1-locks-route_emitter_lock Time in nanoseconds that the active route-emitter has held the route-emitter lock. Emitted every 30 seconds by the active route-emitter.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.
RouteEmitterSyncDuration Time in nanoseconds that the active route-emitter took to perform its synchronization pass. Emitted every 60 seconds.
RoutesRegistered Cumulative number of route registrations emitted from the route-emitter as it reacts to changes to LRPs. Emitted every 30 seconds.
RoutesSynced Cumulative number of route registrations emitted from the route-emitter during its periodic route-table synchronization. Emitted every 30 seconds.
RoutesTotal Number of routes in the route-emitter’s routing table. Emitted every 30 seconds.
RoutesUnregistered Cumulative number of route unregistrations emitted from the route-emitter as it reacts to changes to LRPs. Emitted every 30 seconds.
TCPRouteCount Number of TCP route associations (route-endpoint pairs) in the route-emitter’s routing table. Emitted periodically when emitter is in local mode.

Default Origin Name: ssh_proxy

Metric Name Description
ssh-connections Total number of SSH connections an SSH proxy has established. Emitted periodically by each SSH proxy.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration in nanoseconds of the last garbage collector pause.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the process.

Default Origin Name: garden-linux

Metric Name Description
UnkillableContainers Total number of containers that could not be killed/cleaned up on a Diego Cell. If this is non-zero, that cell MUST be rebooted before the next BOSH deploy. Typically this is a result of apps losing connection to NFS when using volume services. Diego cell logs can be searched for failed-deleting-container to find App IDs responsible.



Default Origin Name: DopplerServer

Metric Name Description
dropsondeListener.currentBufferCount DEPRECATED
dropsondeListener.receivedByteCount DEPRECATED in favor of DopplerServer.udpListener.receivedByteCount.
dropsondeListener.receivedMessageCount DEPRECATED in favor of DopplerServer.udpListener.receivedMessageCount.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.containerMetricReceived Lifetime number of ContainerMetric messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.counterEventReceived Lifetime number of CounterEvent messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.errorReceived Lifetime number of Error messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.heartbeatReceived DEPRECATED
dropsondeUnmarshaller.httpStartStopReceived Lifetime number of HttpStartStop messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.logMessageTotal Lifetime number of LogMessage messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.unmarshalErrors Lifetime number of errors when unmarshalling messages.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.valueMetricReceived Lifetime number of ValueMetric messages unmarshalled.
httpServer.receivedMessages Number of messages received by Doppler’s internal MessageRouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
LinuxFileDescriptor Number of file handles for the Doppler’s process.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations.
messageRouter.numberOfContainerMetricSinks Instantaneous number of container metric sinks known to the SinkManager. Emitted every 5 seconds.
messageRouter.numberOfDumpSinks Instantaneous number of dump sinks known to the SinkManager. Emitted every 5 seconds.
messageRouter.numberOfFirehoseSinks Instantaneous number of Firehose sinks known to the SinkManager. Emitted every 5 seconds.
messageRouter.numberOfSyslogSinks Instantaneous number of syslog sinks known to the SinkManager.
messageRouter.numberOfWebsocketSinks Instantaneous number of WebSocket sinks known to the SinkManager. Emitted every 5 seconds.
messageRouter.totalDroppedMessages Lifetime number of messages dropped inside Doppler for various reasons (downstream consumer cannot keep up internal object was not ready for message, etc.).
sentMessagesFirehose.<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> Number of sent messages through the firehose per subscription ID. Emitted every 5 seconds.
udpListener.receivedByteCount Lifetime number of bytes received by Doppler’s UDP Listener.
udpListener.receivedMessageCount Lifetime number of messages received by Doppler’s UDP Listener.
udpListener.receivedErrorCount Lifetime number of errors encountered by Doppler’s UDP Listener while reading from the connection.
tcpListener.receivedByteCount Lifetime number of bytes received by Doppler’s TCP Listener. Emitted every 5 seconds.
tcpListener.receivedMessageCount Lifetime number of messages received by Doppler’s TCP Listener. Emitted every 5 seconds.
tcpListener.receivedErrorCount Lifetime number of errors encountered by Doppler’s TCP Listener while handshaking, decoding or reading from the connection.
tlsListener.receivedByteCount Lifetime number of bytes received by Doppler’s TLS Listener. Emitted every 5 seconds.
tlsListener.receivedMessageCount Lifetime number of messages received by Doppler’s TLS Listener. Emitted every 5 seconds.
tlsListener.receivedErrorCount Lifetime number of errors encountered by Doppler’s TLS Listener while handshaking, decoding or reading from the connection.
TruncatingBuffer.DroppedMessages Number of messages intentionally dropped by Doppler from the sink for the specific sink. This counter event corresponds with log messages “Log message output is too high.” Emitted every 5 seconds.
TruncatingBuffer.totalDroppedMessages Lifetime total number of messages intentionally dropped by Doppler from all of its sinks due to back pressure. Emitted every 5 seconds.
listeners.totalReceivedMessageCount Total number of messages received across all of Doppler’s listeners (UDP, TCP, TLS).
numCpus Number of CPUs on the machine.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the Doppler process.
signatureVerifier.invalidSignatureErrors Lifetime number of messages received with an invalid signature.
signatureVerifier.missingSignatureErrors Lifetime number of messages received that are too small to contain a signature.
signatureVerifier.validSignatures Lifetime number of messages received with valid signatures.
Uptime Uptime for the Doppler’s process.


Metron Agent

Default Origin Name: MetronAgent

Metric Name Description
MessageAggregator.counterEventReceived Lifetime number of CounterEvents aggregated in Metron.
MessageBuffer.droppedMessageCount Lifetime number of intentionally dropped messages from Metron’s batch writer buffer. Batch writing is performed over TCP/TLS only.
DopplerForwarder.sentMessages Lifetime number of messages sent to Doppler regardless of protocol. Emitted every 30 seconds.
dropsondeAgentListener.currentBufferCount Instantaneous number of Dropsonde messages read by UDP socket but not yet unmarshalled.
dropsondeAgentListener.receivedByteCount Lifetime number of bytes of Dropsonde messages read by UDP socket.
dropsondeAgentListener.receivedMessageCount Lifetime number of Dropsonde messages read by UDP socket.
dropsondeMarshaller.containerMetricMarshalled Lifetime number of ContainerMetric messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.counterEventMarshalled Lifetime number of CounterEvent messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.errorMarshalled Lifetime number of Error messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.heartbeatMarshalled Lifetime number of Heartbeat messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.httpStartStopMarshalled Lifetime number of HttpStartStop messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.logMessageMarshalled Lifetime number of LogMessage messages marshalled.
dropsondeMarshaller.marshalErrors Lifetime number of errors when marshalling messages.
dropsondeMarshaller.valueMetricMarshalled Lifetime number of ValueMetric messages marshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.containerMetricReceived Lifetime number of ContainerMetric messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.counterEventReceived Lifetime number of CounterEvent messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.errorReceived Lifetime number of Error messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.heartbeatReceived DEPRECATED
dropsondeUnmarshaller.httpStartStopReceived Lifetime number of HttpStartStop messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.logMessageTotal Lifetime number of LogMessage messages unmarshalled.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.unmarshalErrors Lifetime number of errors when unmarshalling messages.
dropsondeUnmarshaller.valueMetricReceived Lifetime number of ValueMetric messages unmarshalled.
legacyAgentListener.currentBufferCount Instantaneous number of Legacy messages read by UDP socket but not yet unmarshalled.
legacyAgentListener.receivedByteCount Lifetime number of bytes of Legacy messages read by UDP socket.
legacyAgentListener.receivedMessageCount Lifetime number of Legacy messages read by UDP socket.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations.
numCpus Number of CPUs on the machine.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the Doppler process.
tcp.sendErrorCount Lifetime number of errors if writing to Doppler over TCP fails.
tcp.sentByteCount Lifetime number of sent bytes to Doppler over TCP.
tcp.sentMessageCount Lifetime number of sent messages to Doppler over TCP.
tls.sendErrorCount Lifetime number of errors if writing to Doppler over TLS fails.
tls.sentByteCount Lifetime number of sent bytes to Doppler over TLS. Emitted every 30 seconds.
tls.sentMessageCount Lifetime number of sent messages to Doppler over TLS. Emitted every 30 seconds.
udp.sendErrorCount Lifetime number of errors if writing to Doppler over UDP fails.
udp.sentByteCount Lifetime number of sent bytes to Doppler over UDP.
udp.sentMessageCount Lifetime number of sent messages to Doppler over UDP.



Routing Release metrics have following origin names:

Default Origin Name: gorouter

Metric Name Description
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numCPUS Number of CPUs on the machine. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the gorouter process. Emitted every 10 seconds.
logSenderTotalMessagesRead Lifetime number of application log messages. Emitted every 5 seconds.
backend_exhausted_conns Lifetime number of requests that have been rejected due to the limit on number of connections per back end having been reached for all back ends tried. Emitted every 5 seconds.
bad_gateways Lifetime number of bad gateways at the Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
latency Total round trip time, in milliseconds, for requests through the Gorouter. This includes time spent by back end app to process requests. Emitted per router request.
latency.{component} Time in milliseconds that the Gorouter took to handle requests from each component to its endpoints. Emitted per router request.
route_registration_latency Time in milliseconds between when an actual LRP is started and when the app is routable via Gorouter. Emitted per route-register message of new LRPs. This metric might be a negative value up to ~30 ms due to clock skew between the machines this metric is derived from.
registry_message.{component} Lifetime number of route register messages received for each component. Emitted per route-register message.
unregistry_message.{component} Lifetime number of route unregister messages received for each component. Emitted per route-unregister message.
rejected_requests Lifetime number of bad requests received on the Gorouter. Bad requests occur when the route does not exist, when the value of the X-Cf-App-Instance header is invalid, or when the host header on the request is empty. Emitted every 5 seconds.
requests.{component} Lifetime number of requests received for each component. Emitted per router request.
responses Lifetime number of HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds.
responses.2xx Lifetime number of 2xx HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds.
responses.3xx Lifetime number of 3xx HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds.
responses.4xx Lifetime number of 4xx HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds.
responses.5xx Lifetime number of 5xx HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds. Lifetime number of other(non-(2xx-5xx)) HTTP responses returned by the back end app. Emitted every 5 seconds.
route_lookup_time Time in nanoseconds to look up a request URL in the route table. Emitted per router request.
websocket_upgrades Lifetime number of WebSocket upgrades. Emitted every 5 seconds.
websocket_failures Lifetime number of WebSocket failures. Emitted every 5 seconds.
routed_app_requests The collector sums up requests for all dea-{index} components for its output metrics. Emitted every 5 seconds.
total_requests Lifetime number of requests received. Emitted every 5 seconds.
ms_since_last_registry_update Time in millisecond since the last route register has been been received. Emitted every 30 seconds.
total_routes Current number of routes registered. Emitted every 30 seconds.
uptime Uptime for router. Emitted every second.
file_descriptors Number of file descriptors currently used by the Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
routes_pruned Lifetime number of stale routes that have been automatically pruned by the Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
backend_tls_handshake_failed Lifetime number of failed TLS handshakes when connecting to a back end registered with TLS port. Corresponds to HTTP 525 error response from the Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
backend_invalid_id Lifetime number of requests that were rejected because the back end presents a certificate with an invalid ID. Corresponds to HTTP 503 error response from the Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
backend_invalid_tls_cert Lifetime number of requests that were rejected because the back end presents a certificate that is not trusted by the Gorouter. Corresponds to HTTP 526 error response from Gorouter. Emitted every 5 seconds.
buffered_messages Current number of messages in the Gorouter’s NATS client’s buffer. Emitted every 5 seconds.
total_dropped_messages Lifetime number of messages that have been dropped by the Gorouter’s NATS client due to a full buffer. Emitted every 5 seconds.

Default Origin Name: routing_api

Metric Name Description
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numCPUS Number of CPUs on the machine. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the routing_api process. Emitted every 10 seconds.
key_refresh_events Total number of events when fresh token was fetched from UAA. Emitted every 30 seconds.
total_http_routes Number of HTTP routes in the routing table. Emitted every 30 seconds, or when there is a new HTTP route added. Interval for emitting this metric can be configured with manifest property metrics_reporting_interval.
total_http_subscriptions Number of HTTP routes subscriptions. Emitted every 30 seconds. Interval for emitting this metric can be configured with manifest property metrics_reporting_interval.
total_tcp_routes Number of TCP routes in the routing table. Emitted every 30 seconds, or when there is a new TCP route added. Interval for emitting this metric can be configured with manifest property metrics_reporting_interval.
total_tcp_subscriptions Number of TCP routes subscriptions. Emitted every 30 seconds. Interval for emitting this metric can be configured with manifest property metrics_reporting_interval.
total_token_errors Total number of UAA token errors. Emitted every 30 seconds. Interval for emitting this metric can be configured with manifest property metrics_reporting_interval.

Default Origin Name: tcp_emitter

Metric Name Description
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numCPUS Number of CPUs on the machine. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the tcp_emitter process. Emitted every 10 seconds.

Default Origin Name: tcp-router

Metric Name Description
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numCPUS Number of CPUs on the machine. Emitted every 10 seconds.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the tcp_router process. Emitted every 10 seconds.
{session_id}.ConnectionTime Average connection time to back end in current session. Emitted every 60 seconds per session ID. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.
{session_id}.CurrentSessions Total number of current sessions. Emitted every 60 seconds per session ID. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.
AverageConnectTimeMs Average back end response time (in ms). Emitted every 60 seconds. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.
AverageQueueTimeMs Average time spent in queue (in ms). Emitted every 60 seconds. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.
TotalBackendConnectionErrors Total number of back end connection errors. Emitted every 60 seconds. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.
TotalCurrentQueuedRequests Total number of requests unassigned in queue. Emitted every 60 seconds. Interval value for this metric can be configured with manifest property tcp_router.tcp_stats_collection_interval.


Syslog Binding Cache

Default Origin Name: syslog_binding_cache

Metric Name Description
binding_refresh_error Total number of failed requests to the binding provider.
last_binding_refresh_count Current number of bindings received from binding provider during last refresh.


Traffic Controller

Default Origin Name: LoggregatorTrafficController

Metric Name Description
dopplerProxy.containermetricsLatency Duration for serving container metrics via the containermetrics endpoint (milliseconds). Emitted every 30 seconds.
dopplerProxy.recentlogsLatency Duration for serving recent logs via the recentLogs endpoint (milliseconds). Emitted every 30 seconds.
memoryStats.lastGCPauseTimeNS Duration of the last Garbage Collector pause in nanoseconds.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocated Instantaneous count of bytes allocated and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedHeap Instantaneous count of bytes allocated on the main heap and still in use.
memoryStats.numBytesAllocatedStack Instantaneous count of bytes used by the stack allocator.
memoryStats.numFrees Lifetime number of memory deallocations.
memoryStats.numMallocs Lifetime number of memory allocations.
numCPUS Number of CPUs on the machine.
numGoRoutines Instantaneous number of active goroutines in the Doppler process.
Uptime Uptime for the Traffic Controller’s process. Emitted every 30 seconds.
LinuxFileDescriptor Number of file handles for the TrafficController’s process.


User Account and Authentication (UAA)

Default Origin Name: uaa

Metric Name Description
audit_service.client_authentication_count Number of successful client authentication attempts since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.client_authentication_failure_count Number of failed client authentication attempts since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.principal_authentication_failure_count Number of failed non-user authentication attempts since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.principal_not_found_count Number of times non-user was not found since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.user_authentication_count Number of successful authentications by the user since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.user_authentication_failure_count Number of failed user authentication attempts since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.user_not_found_count Number of times the user was not found since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.user_password_changes Number of successful password changes by the user since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.
audit_service.user_password_failures Number of failed password changes by the user since the last startup. Emitted every 30 seconds.


For information about metrics related to UAA’s performance, see UAA performance metrics.

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