Installing BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR)

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This topic describes how to install BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR).

To use BBR, you must be able to connect to a VM on the BOSH internal network so that BBR can access your BOSH deployment or BOSH Director. Usually, this VM is a jumpbox deployment from which you can run BBR commands.

For more information, see Backing up with BOSH Backup and Restore and Restoring with BOSH Backup and Restore.


A jumpbox is a separate, hardened VM on your network that provides a controlled means of access to the VMs other computers on your network.

For an example jumpbox deployment, see the jumpbox-deployment GitHub repository.

Step 1: Configure your jumpbox

Configure your jumpbox to meet the following requirements:

  • Your jumpbox must be able to communicate with the network that contains your BOSH deployment.
  • Your jumpbox must have sufficient space for the backup.
  • Your jumpbox must be in the same network as the deployed VMs because BBR connects to the VMs at their private IP addresses.
  • BBR copies the backed-up data from the VMs to the jumpbox, so you should have minimal network latency between the VMs and the jumpbox to reduce transfer times.

Consult the following table for more information about the network access permissions required by BBR.

VM Default port Description
BOSH Director 25555 BBR interacts with the BOSH Director API.
Deployed instances 22 BBR uses SSH to orchestrate the backup on the instances.
BOSH Director UAA 8443 BBR interacts with the UAA API for authentication, if necessary.

Step 2: Transfer BBR to your jumpbox

If you run your BBR command from the jumpbox, perform the following steps to transfer the bbr binary to your jumpbox:

  1. Download the latest BBR release from the bosh-backup-and-restore GitHub repository.

  2. Extract the bbr binary file from the BBR release.

  3. To add executable permissions to the bbr binary file, run chmod a+x bbr:

    $ chmod a+x bbr

  4. To securely copy the bbr binary file to your jumpbox, run:


    If your jumpbox has access to the internet, you can also SSH into your jumpbox and use wget:

    $ wget BBR-RELEASE-URL
    $ chmod a+x bbr

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