Cloud Foundry component glossary

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This topic tells you about Cloud Foundry terms and definitions.

Term Definition
API Application Programming Interface
Availability Zone (AZ) An independent network infrastructure segment used to increase availability and fault tolerance. An AZ is often correlated with a geographical region. A cloud operator can select or assign AZs on platforms such as AWS and vSphere.
BOSH An open framework for managing the full development and deployment life cycle of large-scale distributed software applications.
CLI Command Line Interface
Domains A domain name like Domains can also be multi level and contain sub-domains like the “myapp” in Domain objects belong to an org and are not directly bound to apps.
Droplet An archive within Cloud Foundry that contains the app ready to run on Diego. A droplet is the result of the application staging process.
Managed Services Services provided by third parties that are integrated into Cloud Foundry through APIs so that Cloud Foundry users can provision reserved resources and credentials on demand. Also called Custom Services.
Management You can manage spaces and orgs with the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI), the Cloud Controller API (CAPI), and the Cloud Foundry Eclipse Plug-in.
Org An org is the top-most meta object within the Cloud Foundry infrastructure. Only an account with administrative privileges on a Cloud Foundry instance can manage its orgs.
Routes A route, based on a domain with an optional host as a prefix, can be associated with one or more apps. For example, myapp is the host and is the domain when using the route You can have a route that represents without a host. Routes are children of domains and are directly bound to apps.
Service A “factory” which produces service instances.
Service Instance A reserved resource provisioned by a service. The provisioned resource differs by service. For example, the resource might be a database or an account on a multi tenant app.
Spaces An org can contain multiple spaces. You can map a domain to multiple spaces, but you can map a route to only one space.
Staging The process in Cloud Foundry by which the raw bits of an application are transformed into a droplet that is ready to be run.
UAA User Account and Authentication Service, which provides the technological basis for Dashboard Single Sign-On. This is available to Cloud Foundry users when accessing pertinent Managed Services.
Warden The mechanism for containerization on Diego that makes sure apps that are running on Cloud Foundry have a fair share of computing resources and cannot access either the system code or other apps running on Diego.
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